‘A way to end a gold heart..’

Having a certain image without any text can be interrupted in many ways. However  having a collection of images can tell a story.

In Re-writing Re-design Re-art we were told to pick an image that we liked and add a piece of text that you think could change the meaning of the image.

My image shows scientists dissecting an animal and taking notes, the text which i added to the image said “..way to end, A GOLD HEART.”


Reason I chose this is because I believe the animal had a ‘GOLD HEART’ and the scientist put and end to it.

On the other hand when putting it along the other 2 image s the meaning and context changed. We came up with a sentence saying “..way to end, A GOLD HEART, SUPER DOLLS LOVED, no one could remember whose story, almost non-existent.” The images contexts and meanings changed to a ‘supermodel/super doll’ who woIMG_7314uld have to act different to what she is ‘ending a gold heart’ have become some sort ‘non-existent’, and no one knows the full ‘story.’